Shared Values
The values are what we value in you, your behaviors and your attitude. The values you sign up for when working with Brightvision are explained here. When you make decisions, these values are here to guide you to make the right choices.
People first
When we designed our flywheel, the business logic that drives Brightvision, our guiding principle has always been that if we take care of our colleagues and our teams, they will take care of our customers.
Therefore, we always put our people first.
We're better together
Like in sports, teamwork in business is the reason teams with ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results together and beat larger sports teams or companies. So, when we work together as a team, as one company, we will win!
And winning is fun!
So, let's help each other get better at working as a team:
- Contributing to the success of others will be a criterion applied in judging the success of all teams.
- Any team that focuses only on its own results and does not help others will not be judged a success, regardless how well it performs.
- Everyone should participate in some way in developing our business by attracting and winning new quality work.
- This means that we have meaningful retrospects after each campaign, giving honest and caring feedback to each other on how we can do even better next time. But also that we learn from what we did great and share that expereince with other teams.
- One company - when we sell different service to our clients (cross selling) we need to be diligent in our efforts to come across as one company.
- When we choose consultants for a project, we choose based on both experience and competence, but also based on the consultant's wants and interest. We match great consultants with great clients.
- In our project deliveries, it's everone's job to think "How can we make this client saitsfied so they will become a returning client. We want everyone to think outside the box to add value for the client.
“It is not the team with the best players that wins.
It is the players with the best team that wins”
We're humble winners
Winning at Brightvision is about creating great results for our clients. And if we succeed in doing that, we will succeed as a company. But that requires us to work as a team.
To become a strong team, we need to be team players, which we want to define as humble winners - people with a strong drive to win, to create great things and to make our clients "very satisfied" with world-class methods - but they also want to win as a team, not only as an individual. That's a humble winner! That is also why pretentious individualists are a bad fit in our company.
A humble winner is humble, hungry and smart.
- Humble is to be confident but without the ego. Being humble means you give a lot of credit to others. So, it's not think less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.
- Hungry as inbeing self-motivated and always looking for more to do and learn. Hungry team members inspire others to be hungry, too. It's not about being motivated by personal gain but rather being motivated to give your fullest and best effort.
- Be smart by using good judgement and common sense. Smart colleagues are able to work together with all kinds of people. It's not about being intellectual but knowing what to say to others and how it impacts them (EQ).
Premium demands excellence
We take pride in being one of the best tech marketing agencies in the regions we serve. And we aim to become the best of them all.
That's why we always strive to deliver high-performing services and campaigns (service quality) with excellence (perceived quality).
We define ourselves as a premium B2B agency.
But premium demands excellence. Therefore, we need to be excellent in terms of both the quality and the service we provide to our clients. As a result, high standards are important to our success.
Therefore, we must never stop learning and improving.
“Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.”
– John W. Gardner
We pursue what's next
Since we grow organically, we need to try new things, constantly. For instance, we need to sell and deliver new services, test new systems for improving our processes and efficiency, ask clients what they want and expand to new markets.
Most of the time, we win, and establish new business that grows our offerings and becomes a profitable service, which makes us stronger and our clients happier. But not always. Sometimes we fail. That's ok though, as long as we have learned something, and try to not make the same mistake again. So, if we never risk failing, we won't grow. But we never "bet the farm" on a new initiative. We start small to test the waters and scale up if it goes well.
We aim to:
- Be innovative and try new things!
- Pitch "crazy" ideas to our clients!
- Not fear failure - it's only a learning experience!
Let's ask each other more often, what new things have you tried lately?
We grow people
Our goal is for Brightvision to be the best place to work for people who want to grow, both professionally and personally.
Therefore, we promote from within our own ranks to more senior roles to the greatest extent possible. We publish internal open positions for everyone at Brightvision to apply for, if you're interested. When selecting who will get the promotion/senior role, we always base it on a caring meritocracy˟
We strive to nurture and maximize the talent of each individual, for both their own benefit and that of the company.
“Growing People – Growing Business”
Great Service + Big Heart = Client Success
We know that when a client gives us a "Very Satisfied" rating in general for the campaign/project/delivery in our customer satisfaction survey, there is a 77% probability that they will bring return business to us within 6 months.
That's why the satisfaction of our existing clients is the lifeblood of the company. Happy clients that return give us the stability we need to become a better company and a better employer.
But that is not the only thing shown to be important for them when returning. Many clients also tell us that they love working with us because we're a humble agency, which many of them really appreciate.
One of our clients gave us the best praise possible. When giving us feedback on our work, he had a long bullet list. But to sum up his experience in working with us he just had one single slide with a big red heart ❤. He did that because he felt that we genuinely cared about his success, not only one individual, but the whole team - like good friends.
That way of doing business has become our recipe for growth.
That's why we take pride in delivering great services, and delivering them with heart
Leadership principles
Having great leaders is important to us. And our leadership principles are a part of that. Each manager at Brightvision gets to know these principles so they can lead and coach their team accordingly.
Humble, honest and encouraging leaders
Brightvision has four leadership attributes that we expect leaders to act on, along with a couple of basic rules.
We work as a team and look for leaders, not bosses. That means making some sacrifice for the good of the team and giving credit - not taking it.
- Allows transparency and is open to feedback
- Can acknowledge his/her own faults and shortcomings
- Puts the team first and doesn't steal credit
- Involves the team in decisions
Shares ideas on what project a consultant might be a good fit for and asks for their opinion
The seven most important words for leaders: "I don't know but I'll find out"
The six most important words for leaders: "I admit I made a mistake."
The five most important words for leaders: "You did a great job."
The four most important words for leaders: "What do you think?"
The three most important words for leaders: "If you please…."
The two most important words for leaders: "Thank you"
The one most important word for leaders: "We"
The one least important word for leaders: "I"
Talk to each other instead of about each other. Express opinions in meetings, not afterwards. It might be a bumpy ride sometimes but that's what it takes! An honest leader:
- Encourages opinions and honest communication (we keep negative personal feedback face-to-face though)
- Communicates instead of just informing
- Manages to have tough honest conversations, especially in relation to careers and staff
A leader should have a genuine interest in the members of the team and make sure everyone is empowered to be their best selves.
An encouraging leader:
- Is good at giving praise and feedback
- Retains and grows team members
- Cares personally about individuals and teams
- Leads by example
Have high expectations and put the client first. Focus on retention, profitability and value for clients. When we do a great job, our clients will ask us for more.
A results-oriented leader:
- Doesn't go for short-term gains when it means long-term losses.
- Takes action to address poor results
- Always keeps goals and results in focus
Guiding principles
Things that are important to us.
You could see them as an extended set of values.
These are principles we have and expect you to understand. Adopting common guiding principles enables us to work better as a team.
1. Transparency
We aim to be fully transparent both internally and towards our clients. We have nothing to hide. If you have any feedback, we are eager to hear it. We still make mistakes but stand out from the crowd in how we own those mistakes.
Transparency can be scary, and hard. Telling a client something has gone wrong gets harder by the hour. We tell the truth and don't delay information! No one will fire you for making a mistake and our best clients are the ones we've made mistakes with. Everyone screws up, but only some own those mistakes. We own our mistakes.
We respect our colleagues by giving fair credit where credit is due when celebrating success, and by giving feedback when needed. This holds true no matter your position. Feedback can be hard to give, but we must do it to help each other improve. Celebrating is easy, remember to do it!
2. Remote first
As a remote-first company, we are location independent. Being remote first means that it should not matter if you are at the Gothenburg office or at a remote location. If you need to work from home a few days per week, or primarily from Bangkok - that's ok! Other companies might see this as a risk.
We see it as a strength.
First of all, the reason we are able to have a remote-first strategy is that we put effort into our recruiting. We need to recruit people who are independent, trustworthy and driven to achieve excellent results for our clients. May this be your guiding light when recruiting for Brightvision.
We must share the same values when it comes to openness, work motivation and reporting. A bit of extra follow-up is also needed. Don't confuse the freedom of remote-first with lack of performance expectations 👍.
Freedom is a great feeling, and something we love. That is why our colleagues work from all over the world.
3. We use processes
At the same time, we want to keep improving and not stop ideas coming from smart colleagues. So how do we combine these?
- Before changing or not following our processes - look at the existing process! We've reinvented the wheel 100 times, which isn't a good thing.
- Once you know and followed the process but have a better idea, try the idea! Then make sure to inform everyone at a meeting, on Teams or in a similar manner. Then we will either change the process or learn from the attempt.
- Making everyone do things the same way is surprisingly hard. After you email instructions - follow up. This can take effort. But after 3-5 tries it usually sticks.
Processes and procedures are in place for most of the things we do, from recruiting to an SDR phone call. Knowing this, it's a good idea to ask your colleague or manager about the process when you start doing things.
Focusing on processes may sound square and bureaucratic. We don't look at it that way. We need this to grow the company and avoid repeating our mistakes.
4. O3 meetings
O3 is a procedure that everybody at Brightvision knows well. It stands for "One-on-one" and is a meeting with a very free agenda between an employee and their manager. Weekly or bi-weekly O3 meetings are mandatory.
We have them to make sure we follow up on issues before they grow too big. They are important for communication and leadership. We expect managers to prioritize these meetings. Use them to get to know one another and for giving positive and negative feedback.
O3 is a great time saver. Write down feedback, questions and issues you get during the week. Then discuss everything in a single session.

5. Give feedback and practice "caring candor" each day
Feedback is giving your personal opinion or fact on something. It can be either positive or negative.
You should give lots of feedback to both colleagues and clients. Direct feedback means less talking behind someone's back. Early feedback gives people a chance to make positive changes before it's too late. If we give each other feedback, with "caring candor", we'll improve everyday.
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” – Ken Blanchard
6. We celebrate often
At Brightvision, we believe that "You get what you celebrate". A variation on the more common idea "You get what you measure", which is no less true.
Good results, happy customers and achievements need to be celebrated. Because it's fun and it's worth celebrating. So celebrate, often.
7. Have a fun- loving attitude
At Brightvision, we often say that we take our customers very seriously, but not ourselves.
We don't want to become a company of pretentious and arrogant people. Instead we want to be able to have a laugh and be silly sometimes. Brightvision has probably had more than its fair share of pranks between colleagues over the years, to most colleagues' amusement and appreciation.
8. Self-development
Stay up to date by reading blogs, listening to podcasts and experimenting in campaigns.
Marketing is changing fast, so we expect everyone to engage in learning new things. We schedule some training, but you also need to learn on your own.
Luckily, you can learn a lot of what we need to learn from our clients, such as how buyer personas think and what all those IT buzzwords mean. These are both examples of what you can ask at client meetings.
How to self-develop:
- Listen and ask questions at meetings and with colleagues
- Communicates instead of just informing
- Subscribe to good blogs and podcasts
- Read books and articles
- Try things out in campaigns
- Teach others
9. Remarkable client communication
Did you know many agencies go dark between a closed deal and delivery? We do the exact opposite of that.
Many of our most satisfied clients praise our communication.
Here are key guidelines for client communication:
- Don't sit and wait for the client. Call them if you need something.
- Hold weekly meetings
- Engage the whole team in communications
- CC all project members
- Honesty creates trust - be honest
- If something bad happens in a project, call the client immediately. Don't try to hide it or inform the client too late.
10. Delivered Experience
The value we deliver as an agency is not only the delivered result in our campaigns and retainers for our clients but also, to a large extent, how we deliver it. This is what we call Delivered Experience.
Read this email from one of our clients:
"Hi Jakob, I just wanted to write a couple of lines.
Right now, I'm a proper nightmare client; the project is going all but well, I'm expected to to a thousand other plans, reports etc. and no one has time for anything…. Chaos :)
Amidst all this is a shining light and that is your team :) Björn pushes us and has understanding for us not feedbacking when we should, Rickard structures - chases me without me feeling chased (just relieved) he reports and brings order, Anna involves herself and starts writing texts.
The team takes ad hoc meetings for us to keep going forward. You should be proud of your colleagues; they do a great job."
11. Tell it like it is
Let's say a campaign isn't going well, for whatever reason. The most important thing for our client is not that the campaign is already a success well before it's completed, or even at that stage.
The most important thing for our client is that we show them that we too see that it's not going well, so they feel we're on the same page in regards to what good looks like and what bad looks like.
If the results are tanking and we tell our client "this is going great!" they will start to wonder if we'll ever be able to achieve the expected results, since we obviously don't know what they look like.